I am the BCD Beauty. |
When I take photos intentionally, I make sure that I look good and thin in them. I achieve my goal through contouring and other makeup tricks. So far, I have managed to convince about 75% of my Facebook friends (those who don't see me that often and those who don't know me well at all) that I am, in fact, thin. The rest of the 25% which includes my crazy group of girlfriends, however, know the real score when it comes to my weight and my body shape.
I've mastered the art of looking thin in photos. |
The truth is, though I may have mastered the art of making myself look think in photos with makeup and camera angles, I am a chubby girl (substitute chubby for other synonyms if you like). And, this fact has never been as "in my face" as today when I took a short trip to Gaisano City (Bacolod) for lunch.
After eating a bowl of soup and 2 slices of stuffed crusted German franks pizza, I went to the department store to see if it had any good dresses. I want to buy one for the wedding I'm attending on the 22nd.
Took my time, sliding one hanger after another, chose 9 different clothing articles (count them, NINE) to try on. I didn't want to go back and forth from the clothing racks to the fitting room so brought everything all at once.
I presented my choices to the lady in charge of the fitting rooms (because you have to do this in Gaisano City, Bacolod, FYI) before stepping in and at this point, I was already sweating (severely) from walking around and not feeling the AC air goodness because it was broken.
I felt the heat even more as I struggled to put on and take off the 9 different clothing pieces. I stopped and looked at the mirror after I took off dress #8 and I told myself: "None of these fit" which was absolutely true.
Mind you that I am currently taking progesterone tablets for hormone therapy hence it kind of hit me hard. I felt heavy, tired, hot (not the good kind), sweaty, sad and irritable - I was a burrito of melancholic feels.
To cut the story short, I went home feeling [insert bad word here]. Luckily, I found an article on MarieClaire.Com, as I was browsing the interweb, that talked about Instagram banning the hashtag: #curvy. Outrageous, I know! But, within this article I found my silver lining of the beautifully fat kind:
I came to know curvy bloggers who have embraced their bodies - curves, stretchmarks, bellies and all.
I felt better after looking at the ladies' photos. Feeling more motivated, I decided to find more. In my search, I found 3 bloggers/models that you absolutely have to check out for yourself - fat girl or not.
3 Inspiring Photos of My Kind of Phat Ladies
Blog: Sometimes Glam
Blogger: Crystal
Blogger: Crystal
Instagram: tessholliday
Model: Tess Holliday Campaign: Sea by Monif C featuring Tess Holliday
Model: Tess Holliday Campaign: Sea by Monif C featuring Tess Holliday
These ladies are definitely on my favorite list. Thanks to them, as well as others who I have not included in this list, my Saturday afternoon became a little brighter and I learned a little something too: If you accept and are happy with the way you look, fat or thin, it will show outwardly.
I spent the rest of it resting, watching romantic comedy movies and eating left-over pizza.
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